Individuals stay connected

Individuals stay connected

Individuals stay connected Individuals who are committed to the development of culture in their locality 21 / Jan Kunze / Trutnov Director of the Contemporary Art Centre EPO1; curator at the UFFO gallery; member of the Academy of Pop Music, which awards the Anděl...
Tančírna – Račí údolí

Tančírna – Račí údolí

Tančírna – Račí údolí Tančírna – the pearl of the Golden Mountains 36 Tančírna (1907), known as the Heart of the Rychleb Mountains, is a unique cultural space in the Javornice region on the Czech-Polish border. Tančírna hosts a myriad of events – concerts,...
Městská kulturní zařízení Jeseník

Městská kulturní zařízení Jeseník

Městská kulturní zařízení Jeseník Your partner for leisure time 38 Municipal Cultural Facilities Jeseník is a city-funded organisation – a united cultural steel mill of the city of Jeseník (with a theatre, gallery, library, cinema, summer outdoor movies), which...
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